Newsletter & Blog Post Topics

Sample Content

Storybook Bundles* are a series of pre-written estate planning articles and blog posts that are formatted to immediately grab the attention of your clients and prospects. The opening paragraph tells a story that poses an estate planning question, and the rest of the article gives just enough information to entice the reader to engage with your firm. See examples.

Choose from our Storybook Content Bundles. Take advantage of a 20% discount if you purchase Bundles 2 & 3 together. If preferred, your firm can have audio versions of each article / blog provided in MP3 file format for a 20% surcharge.



Bundle #1: Designed for the law firm whose marketing objective is to keep in close contact with prospects and clients, and email fresh newsletter legal content at least 1 time per month. Bundle #1 has 13 short articles (we include an extra article in case you want to have an extra one ready to go for the following new year). Articles typically contain between 500-650 words, and get to the heart of a common estate planning or elder law question in the first paragraph. Using simple explanations, the article goes on to encourage your prospects and clients to get in touch with you to explore further questions.

Bundle #2 & #3: Designed for law firms who have mixed marketing objectives of sending out monthly email and newsletter articles as well as updating their firm’s website with fresh content for blog posts. These bundles are typically used for the law firm who wants to create a marketing schedule and needs plenty of content to select from a mix of blog and articles that offer plenty of ideas. That is why Bundle’s #2 & #3 are recommended to be purchased together. (20% discount applies to a combined purchase)

Bundle #4: Designed for the law firm whose marketing objective is to continuously update their website with fresh blog content that is relevant and designed to encourage search engines to direct interested prospects to your firm because it is deemed credible. Blog articles are on the longer side (approx. 750-1250 words) and are jam packed with interesting estate planning and elder law content. Bundle #4 includes 12 long blog posts which can be posted monthly, and repurposed for other uses such as creating short articles for newsletters and other marketing materials.

Bundle #5: Designed for the law firm whose marketing objective is to dip its toe in the water and start out by emailing shorter articles every other month (500-750 words) to start to invest in some marketing to its base of clients and perhaps encourage additional business. Bundle #5 includes 7 articles so that there is an extra article to bridge the gap until deciding on more permanent marketing objectives after the first year.

Conveniently order and pay by credit card below or click here if you would prefer to order and pay by check.

Marketing Bundle #1
Baker's Dozen - 13 Articles

Estate Planning - Peace of Mind A01
Life Events that Should Trigger an Estate Plan Review A02
Family Feuds - Preventing Siblings from Fighting Over a Will A03
Ensuring the Trust in Trustee A04
What’s the Big Deal About Powers of Attorney A05
How Can I Use My Estate Plan to Protect My Young Children A06
Pet Trusts - Peace of Mind for your kids with paws A07
What do you mean I should fund my estate A08
What is a Special Needs Trust A09
To Gift Or Not To Gift A10
The Importance of the little things A11
Estate Planning After a Divorce A12
Planning for Your Incapacity A13

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Marketing Bundle #2
6 Articles - 6 Blog Posts

Estate Planning - Peace of Mind A01
Life Events that Should Trigger an Estate Plan Review A02
Family Feuds - Preventing Siblings from Fighting Over a Will A03
Ensuring the Trust in Trustee A04
What’s the Big Deal About Powers of Attorney A05
How Can I Use My Estate Plan to Protect My Young Children A06


Legalese Made Easy For Estate Planning Clients B01
A Plan For My Estate Plan B02
Estate Planning Can Ease End of Life & Long-Term Care Stress B03
What Does Life Insurance Have To Do With Estate Planning? B04
I already have a Trust. What do you mean I still have to fund it? B05
What Are Powers of Attorney and Why Do They Matter? B06

Purchase Now Bundles 2 & 3 Combo
Purchase Now Bundles 2 & 3 Combo

Marketing Bundle #3
6 Articles - 6 Blog Posts

What Are Important Parts Of An Estate Plan? A14
How Often Should You Review Your Estate Plan A15
Are Celebrities Really Different When It Comes To Families Fighting Over Estates A16
The Fiduciary Duties Of A Trustee A17
My Child Is A Spendthrift A18
When Should I Consider Calling An Estate Planning Attorney A19


Using Estate Planning To Protect Your Minor Children B07
Approaches For Selecting Trustee(s) For Your Estate B08
A Simple Way To Piece Together The Estate Planning Process B09
When Does “Influence” Become “Undue influence” ? B10
 What Do Digital Assets Have To Do With My Estate Plan B11
Is A Year End Estate Planning Assessment Really Necessary.docx B12

Purchase Now Bundles 2 & 3 Combo
Purchase Now Bundles 2 & 3 Combo

Marketing Bundle #4
12 Blog Posts

Legalese Made Easy For Estate Planning Clients B01
A Plan For My Estate Plan B02
Estate Planning Can Ease End of Life & Long-Term Care Stress B03
What Does Life Insurance Have To Do With Estate Planning? B04
I Already Have A Trust. What Do You Mean I Still Have To Fund It? B05
What Are Powers of Attorney and Why Do They Matter? B06
Using Estate Planning To Protect Your Minor Children B07
Approaches For Selecting Trustee(s) For Your Estate B08
PEACE Is A Simple Way To Piece Together The Estate Planning Process B09
When Does “Influence” Become “Undue influence” In Estate Planning? B10
What Do Digital Assets Have To Do With My Estate Plan B11
 Is A Year End Estate Planning Assessment Really Necessary.docx B12

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Marketing Bundle #5
Starter Pack - 7 Articles

Pet Trusts - Peace of Mind for your kids with paws A07
What do you mean I should fund my estate A08
What is a Special Needs Trust A09
To Gift Or Not To Gift...that is the Question A10
The Importance of the little things A11
Estate Planning After a Divorce A12
Planning for Your Incapacity A13

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* The marketing content prepared by Educate2Motivate (including articles and blogs) is of a general nature and strictly for informational and educational purposes. Educate2Motivate does not provide legal or tax advice, nor it is involved in any estate planning, elder law or financial services firms. Therefore, the information contained in Educate2Motivate content is not and should not be considered legal or tax advice. Consult an attorney, tax professional or other financial advisor regarding your specific situation.